Sunday, 14 August 2011

Baked New Potatoes with Camembert and Poppy Seeds

I love cheese. Who doesn't love cheese?! And not just the food. I love cheesy movies, cheesy songs, cheesy chat-up lines. So on the subject of cheese and loving spuds (I'm Irish) I thought I'd make this lovely recipe from Olive magazine. I didn't have any poppy seeds so I used chia seeds instead. The dish was sill yummy. I also baked the dish for double the recommended time as the potatoes weren't fully cooked after the recommended 30 mins cooking time.

Ingredients (serves 4):
500g new potatoes
1 orange, zested and juiced
Poppy Seeds

Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160/gas 4. Wash the baby new potoatoes and cut in half. Be sure to cut some of them in half lengthways.

Juice and zest the orange. Slice the camembert into thick wedges.

Tip the potatoes into a shallow baking dish, arrange the camembert on top and then sprinkle on the orange zest and juice followed by the poppy seeds.

Season well and add a few drops of olive oil. Bake for 60 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked through. 

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